Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Voices From Hell Part 2, Figures From Hell........

Some types of demons and how they operate
Intro to Demonology, part 2.…………
In this part of the series, we will look at what demons are, what powers they have and do not have, and how they operate in human lives.
A demon is a disembodied spirit who are always on the look out for a home. They find this home in a human, a building or piece of land or even in an animal. They can not find a home in inanimate objects (think “Chucky”, the doll from those movies.). They were once Angels, created by God, but they chose to rebel and align themselves with satan. Pride got the better of them. Their heavenly form is beautiful (as are all angels), but that is not usually how they appear in this realm (although they can).
In order for them to come into this realm, they must be given a doorway. There are various types, some that seem very innocent, but are anything but. Communicating with “the dead” (necromancy), Ouija boards, symbols, tarot cards, “psychic mediums” and the like are just a few of the doorways that when opened give the demon access to a person or property.
Once that door is open, the demon can appear in our realm as shadows, mists, orbs, and other things. They can sometimes look human, but can not truly replicate the human form, that is to say they can not become human. You may have heard of “shadow people”, these are demons that appear in human shape, but are completely black almost like living darkness. Demons can also appear in the form of an animal and again, like the human form, it will not be a perfect replica, it will be a shadow.
A couple things to note about demons; when they do appear in this realm it is only temporary, because they can not create anything. They can only take the shape of something that already exists, and even this will only last for a short period of time. This is why they seek to possess a person or an animal, because that is a permanent home for them (until they are forced out by the power of Jesus Christ). Demons will also appear to a person who they are tormenting in a form that the person recognizes and is very frightened of, because that is one of the ways it will break down your defenses is by fear. For example, if a demon were to appear as a kitten, most people would laugh it off and some would try to give it a bowl of milk. But if you are afraid of kittens (yes some people and entire cultures are), then it is plausible that that little ball of fur at your door could be more than it seems. It is though much more likely that it would appear as a big cat, a snake, a large dog, anything that makes you afraid. Once it appears that way and makes you afraid, then it can work on making you give yourself over to fear. Fear is the devils number one tactic because it is the opposite of Faith. Fear will bring bondage (Romans 8:15), and when you are in bondage, you are open to oppression and possession.
Another tactic that a demon will use is to appeal to your vanity and/or pride. We are warned many, many times in the Bible against pride and vanity. Pride and vanity caused the fall of man (Genesis 3), and has destroyed (with the help of demonic influence), many people and Ministries. There is nothing wrong with feeing proud of your children, your family, friends or even yourself for a job well done (say graduating from High School/College, or a promotion in your job etc), as long as it is done in the knowledge that The Lord was a key factor in these things. It is when you start to think that you can do things on your own, when you desire to be like God that things go bad. Frank Peretti, Author of “This Present Darkness” said it better than I can:
“whatever shape, whatever form it takes to win a person’s confidence and appeal to his vanity, that’s the form they take. And they tell the deluded seeker of truth whatever he or she wants to hear until they finally have that person in their complete control.”
Again my friends, this is just an introduction to the subject, and is meant to equip you against the most common types of demons. A complete study of this subject would fill several books and still not be complete. In the next blog, we will look at how to combat these spirits and keep them away from you. Until then, guard your hearts my friends.
Pastor Brian
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