Monday, June 25, 2012

Voices From Hell, Part 1- Can You Speak With The Dead?

An intro into Demonology-Part 1, Opening Doors..........

This blog is a little bit more serious than those I normally write. In fact, your very life could hang in the balance of these words…… No I am not joking, no this is not a lead up to a cute story, this is deadly serious business.

I have been asked many times to write something on Demonology.  I have never done so for a couple reasons,

1) This is a topic that is not for everyone.
2) Some people, who are not where they should be in Christ may get the wrong impression and try to handle things that they are not ready to handle.

So why I am writing this now? Well there is a disturbing trend lately that I have noticed, and to remain silent on this issue any longer would be an error on my part.

What trend is this? The trend of so called “Christian” Organizations and/or Churches allowing  and even promoting the use of mediums in their services, on their websites, and pod casts or radio broadcasts, you get the idea. My friends, speaking with the dead is one thing and one thing only, and that thing is called

Now the word necromancy may conjure up in your mind visions of an furtive looking figure in a robe chanting incantations while black candles burn, and that can be the case…… But if they all looked like that would they ever have a chance to get anywhere near a Christian Church/Organization? Of course not. But the devil is the father of lies, and this case is no exception. Today’s necromancers are all packaged up, in the form of professional looking men and women who ply their trade in the above mentioned places, some of them even going so far as to be Ordained into the Ministry.   Some “Christian” leaders claim the power that these people have “could not be evil”, others see it as entertainment. My friends, just as a Ouija board is not a game (even though it is made by a toy company), neither is talking to the dead. It is evil, pure and simple, and can open doors that should not be open.  It grieves my heart greatly to see people who claim to follow Christ falling in line with those people who practice this form of witchcraft all to get better ratings, make more money or for reasons that totally escape me………

Lets look at a little background on this…………..

When I said it was witchcraft, it was not a misprint. Below is an excerpt from a satanic church website that gives the definition of necromancy:

Summoning, Contacting and Communicating with the dead

Here is another taken from a screen shot of a Wicca site:

You are here: Witchcraft Spells » Magick » Black Magick » Necromancy

I have purposely NOT included either of these websites because I DO NOT want anyone to go to these sites trying to research these matters and get sucked in. If you really want to know, contact me. After a chat and some background info, I will be more than happy to give you the information if you are strong in The Lord and have a need for it.

So who are they really talking to when they talk to the dead?  They are talking to a familiar spirit also known as a demon………….

These demons do not know the future, but they do know the past. They are intimately familiar (hence the name), with your family. That is how they can give information to the medium that is then relayed to you. Remember, evil spirits exist in the spirit realm just as Angels do. They are eternal beings, so they can recall things from the past about your departed love ones.  Normally these beings must leave you alone IF you are covered by the Blood OF Jesus. When you turn your life over to Him, you are covered, you have a hedge around you just as Job did. But, by seeking these people out to try and talk to the dead, you are taking a spiritual weed whacker to your hedge and cutting it down giving the devil and demons free access to you and your mind, and in some cases your body. This is what I mean when I say it opens doors that should not be open. Doors to the spirit realm should NEVER be opened.

Think of it this way. If someone knocked on the door to your home, and you opened it, you have, by the act of opening that door, given that person access to your home. For good or bad, they can now get inside of your home because you opened the door to them. It is much the same with your Spiritual home. When you open the door, the demon will barge in and take over, and unlike even the most pushy door to door salesman, who although you may have to tell him a few times, will finally leave when you insist you are not interested in what they are offering, the demon will not leave until it is thrown out by the power and authority given to us by Jesus. Why? Because you are giving place to the devil by opening that door (Ephesians 4:27), and once you give him place he will not leave unless forced to. Yes even if you are a Christian, and go to Church every time the lights are on,  by giving place to the devil (or a demon whose power comes from the devil), they will attach themselves to you. You may not be possessed in the sense that we understand that word, but you will have an evil spirit attached to you never the less.

Bottom line my friends is don’t play around with this type of thing. It is BAD NEWS…..

In the next blog we will look at some information about demons and how they operate. Until then, guard your hearts my friends.

Pastor Brian


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