Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Great Way To Start A Week

I am truly blessed......

I have been married to my best friend for 20 years (actually it will be 20 years in July)
I have 4 wonderful children
The Lord always provides everything I need.

I also have the best job in the world. Ministering to people is a calling, and it is something that you have to love or you shouldnt be doing it. There are hard times yes. Being there when a persons loved one passes from this life, and trying your best to answer the question why is tough...... But as a balance, there are also weeks like this one has started out to be.

Not only did I have the honor and privilege of preaching to my congregation on Sunday, I was also blessed and honored to perform two beautiful ceremonies on Monday and Tuesday.

Monday found me standing next to the lake with the Palace Of Fine Arts in the background while Mr. & Mrs. Ganus from Oklahoma celebrated 20 years of Marriage by renewing their vows. The intense love that this wonderful couple had for each other was evident by the way they looked at each other and in the way they treated each other.

Tuesday found me back in San Francisco, standing next to The Ocean on Baker Beach as Mr. & Mrs. Green pledge their love to each other and started their wonderful journey together. Once again, the intense love that these two had for each other was evident.

I was humbled that these two wonderful couples had chosen me to help them on their journey of love. I was also humbled that The Lord has entrusted me to train and lead by example a new Minister (Reverend Lisa Fodor). It is an awesome responsibility, and one I take very seriously.

The fact that The Lord has allowed me to Minister to His people full time, without the distraction of a secular job is something that is hard for me to describe. The fact that of all the people in the world, He chose this imperfect vessel to do His work is something that brings me to tears, and fills my heart with thanks and praise each and every day.

So I say a BIG congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Ganus and Mr. & Mrs. Green. May The Lord continue to shine down His love on you all the days of your life.

As the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;  does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
 Love never fails.

If you are interested in answering The Lords call, click the link below to learn more. I cant promise easy, but I can promise that it will be very rewarding.......

”Online Christian Ordination- become a Wedding Officiant and so much more”

Start your own Church or Ministry. We can help you. 

We are a REAL CHURCH that hold’s regular services at a physical location as well as online.

Don’t be mislead, if you are looking for Ordination as a Non-Denominational Christian Minister, but do not want to be Ordained by a Church that only exists in cyber space,  click on the link below.

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