While looking around the site and being happy that their Ministry seemed to be growing, I came upon a phrase that said "If we dont survive, you dont survive". The line was (of course) attached to a plea to buy something from their online store. This phrase struck me as odd and very, very egocentric.
This organization is primarily an "Ordination" Ministry, meaning that they exist primarily to Ordain people, and that their membership is made up of people who they have Ordained. They do a lot of good works, and get the The Message out, but in order to even fully participate in their internet forum, you have to be Ordained by them. So I can only assume that the statement above was meant to mean that if this Ministry did not survive, then neither would the Ministers.
This is where I have a problem..............
We are told many times in the Bible not to be puffed up, or egocentric. What is egocentric? The dictionary definition is this:
Having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things. or having no regard for beliefs other than ones own; self centered
As I thought about this definition, I realized that it fits many Christians, and many organizations, and denominations perfectly. They think that the being a Christian is all about believing the way they do and following the rules that they have in place. We are told many places in The Bible not to be like this. 2 Corinthians 10 deals with this issue as does 1 Corinthians 12 and there are many others. Why would we be told not to be this way? Because it leads to pride, and of course we know where pride goes (if not read Proverbs 16:18)
The fact is that if you are a Minister of The Gospel, you are just a small piece in something big. Something much, much bigger than you, me are any 1 person. Even Jesus himself, when he walked this earth made sure that His work, His Ministry would continue on after he ascended back to Heaven to take his rightful place with The Father. By making this statement the leader of this organization is in effect, saying that they are better than Jesus. This my friends is walking into some dangerous territory, and if they do not repent of this attitude, The Lord will show them just how much they are not needed......
To be a Minister is to be a servant of all. Jesus told the Disciples this in Mark 9:35. If you want to be first, you must be last. He also lead by example when he washed the feet of the Disciples. This is the example we must follow. We must be willing to be a servant. To do things that servants do so that we will not be puffed up and proud. To do otherwise IS NOT following the example of Jesus, it is following our own ego.
Dont fall into the trap of pride. Realize that although The Lord may have appointed you to do a work, it is by His Grace that you are appointed, not by anything you have done, and He can just as easily appoint someone else to that work if you get to puffed up.
Until The Lord comes back, The Ministry will survive, whether a particular organization or denomination is there or not. This my friends is the fundamental truth that we have to get back to...........
Pastor Brian
”Online Christian Ordination- become a Wedding Officiant and so much more”
Start your own Church or Ministry. We can help you.
We are a REAL CHURCH that hold’s regular services at a physical location as well as online.
Don’t be mislead, if you are looking for Ordination as a Non-Denominational Christian Minister, but do not want to be Ordained by a Church that only exists in cyber space, click on the link below.
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