Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Doctor Of Divinity

After much prayer and contemplation, the Christian training and education center at Pacific Life Church will as of 05/22/2012, begin offering Doctor Of Divinity degrees to those who would like them.

Our degrees are a little different than other online D.D. Degrees, and yes, there are easier ways to obtain one online, but we feel that even though we may not be (nor do we claim to be) an accredited learning institution, there should be something more to obtaining a degree than just buying a piece of paper.

So, we ask that you submit a paper/thesis/whatever you want to call it of no less than 1500 words (about 2 pages) on one of the following topics:

A) The life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

B) The Life and Ministry of any or all of The Apostles (The 12 or The Apostle Paul)

C) The Purpose of "" The Pastoral" Epistles 

Your paper will not be "graded", but will be read and kept in our permanent records. Should anyone wish to verify your degree, we will happily do so for them and (with your permission) will send then a copy of your paper as well as our thoughts on it. 

There are no wrong answers when it comes to these papers, because no matter what denomination you come from or follow, the core message of these 3 subjects will be the same, so please do not let this intimidate you. We offer Ordination and have opened the training center for the sole purpose of better equipping you to serve those you are called to serve. 

We are not out to sell degrees nor are we out to make money from you. There is a small charge ($15.00) for the whole process, and this includes the printing, postage and handling of your paper degree.

We DO NOT require you to be Ordained through us to receive a degree, but we do require that you be Ordained. If you are not Ordained through us we ask that you submit a copy of your credential along with your paper. Also, we do not charge you anything until your paper has been read and your degree approved. 

This is just the first training course that we will be offering. In the near future we will be offering certificate courses in Church Planting and Wedding's as well as Doctor Of Theology Degree's.

For information on training or Ordination, please visit our website

God Bless you all

Pastor Brian

”Online Christian Ordination- become a Wedding Officiant and so much more”

Start your own Church or Ministry. We can help you. 

We are a REAL CHURCH that hold’s regular services at a physical location as well as online.

Don’t be mislead, if you are looking for Ordination as a Non-Denominational Christian Minister, but do not want to be Ordained by a Church that only exists in cyber space,  click on the link below.

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