Friday, August 24, 2012

Paint By Numbers............

A manmade theological system is to biblical Christianity what paint-by-numbers is to art. Reducing beauty to a formula.- Author Unknown*

I don’t know who wrote that simple sentence, but I do know I would love to shake their hand.
This is so true. People love to create systems. Systems that run your life, systems that run your business, systems that run your Spiritual life. it’s the last one that will get you into trouble………….
Now I have no problem with being organized, and as a Pastor, I understand better than most the need for some type of structure in a Church environment. Otherwise you end up with chaos. As anyone who has been following recent news lately can see, that is the big problem with the occupy folks. Now I am not going to offer an opinion on occupy or even talk about them other than to point them out as an example of what happens when you have a group with a common purpose/goal/ideal, but with no defined leadership or organization. So you need some type of structure and accountability in a Church setting just as you do in a business setting. The problem comes in when you let that organization or structure replace Biblical teaching and instruction. When your denominational guidelines or system get’s to the point that instead of providing the Bible based Church structure in accord with the teachings of Jesus, and also the Apostles, a structure that serves only to serve, and to complement that which is based on BIBLICAL TRUTH, you have a big problem.

Hebrews 12:2 tells us who is not only the Founder of our Faith but also the Perfecter. The one who started it and finished it.

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (ESV)

With The God Of All Creation being the one who founded and FINISHED our Faith, why would we need some kind of man-made doctrines/traditions/whatever……. All we need is Him. All we need is The Bible, Sola Scriptura & Faith, Sola Fide. Anything else that crosses that line from structure to doctrine is just like our author says above. Or to put it a different way, replacing the Mona Lisa with something drawn from a kit you bought at Wal-Mart, it may look good to you, and it may even please some people, but it’s not going to stand the test of time…………
*unknown author quote used  as per the “Fair Use” provisions of Title 17, U.S.C


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