This can be a hot button topic for some people in the church. Can you be a Christian and still enjoy secular music, books, etc? I am not talking about pornography, I am talking about mainstream music and books.
First a little background. I was raised in a Pentecostal church. My entire family have been Pentecostal ministers. When my Grandfather would preach a sermon that had something to do with his life, he would start with the phrase “I am going to tell on myself”. So I guess that’s what I am doing here, I am telling on myself. I am sharing some things that I enjoy in my life that some people would consider a sin.
1) Movies. When I was young, movies were taboo with a lot of the Church. In fact, when I told one of the elders in the church that my best friend and I had went to see Star Wars, his response was “if Jesus came back while you were watching that movie, do you think he would come into the theater and look for you? My answer was yes. If god is omnipresent as we know He is, He was already there…. (he didn’t like that answer a great deal). Are there movies that a Christian should not watch (especially a Christian who is a babe in Christ)? Of course. But again, The Lord created all forms of entertainment, and films are no different.
2) Music. All music began as praise to God. Yes there is some music that contains lyrics that are ungodly, and some are even satanic, but by far and large, the beat, harmony & melody of any form of music can be seen as praise to God. Music can move you to happiness or tears
3) Books. The written word is powerful. It can change you view of the world. Books are something that should never be overlooked.
4) Television. Much like movies, television is a form of entertainment. It can calm the mind, challenge beliefs, and encourage you.
Taking these four forms of media, I will go into each of them in turn.
Movies- Yes, there are some movies that are not appropriate for all ages. This is a given,. However, as mature, adult Christians, It is my firm belief that we can decide for ourselves if a movie is something that we want to watch or if it suits our personal taste. I myself am a HUGE Disney fan, and I love all Disney movies. I also enjoy action & horror movies. that is my personal taste. Its not for everyone, but I am not everyone, nor do I try to push my personal taste on everyone. The thing I find interesting is that 30 years ago (and still to this day) some Christians preach against going to movies, and yet, you have some of the largest Christian organizations in the world making and releasing movies into theaters.
Music- This is probably the most controversial media related subject in the church today. There are so many forms and genres of music that it is hard to know where to begin. Again, telling on myself, I have been a fan of Ozzy Osbourne since I was 10 years old. I love his voice, I love the beat I just love his music in general. Does this mean you will only see Ozzy on my play list? NO. Ozzy sits on my play list comfortably next to The Second Chapter Of Acts, Sweet Comfort Band, And even Bill Gaither. Are there Genres of music I do not like? Of course. Screamo and rap come to mind, but, I do not condemn those who enjoy that type of music, its just not my thing. I was told by my 15 year old daughter that I was too old to understand it. The point I making here is that you should not condemn a particular artists due to the fact they are not a Christian artist. Rather, judge the content of the music, what are they saying, and are you strong enough in the Lord to listen to this music without being influenced by it.
Books- Again, this can be a controversial topic. Of course the first set of books that come to mind is the Harry Potter series. Personally I thoroughly enjoyed each of these books. The characters “grew up” before my eyes. Yes they deal with witchcraft, and Jo Rowling (the author) has been condemned, slandered & persecuted by some Churches. There have even been Harry Potter book burnings…. But if you look at CS Lewis & the Narnia series (Mr. Lewis was an open Christian), you will see that they deal with the same thing. There are even churches who burn Bibles that are not King James Version…. My point is that as a Christian, you should be strong enough in your faith & know by the Spirit Of Discernment what you can & can not read. This is something that is between you & God. I personally have read well over 1000 books that run the spectrum from Theology to Harry Potter, & can say that I have not been influenced by any of them (except the Bible).
Television- It was called “hellavision” when I was young, and the cable service HBO (Home Box Office) was called “hells box office”. Here again we have a form of media that was largely taboo 30 years ago. My cousins (who attended a “oneness” Pentecostal Church, were not allowed to own TV sets (they did anyway, and it was amusing to watch them hide the TV’s when the Pastor would visit), and yet we have this form of media reaching across the globe spreading the Word through any Pastors/Preachers/Evangelists (I am not going to get into the “televangelist” thing, as that is an entirely different subject.
We will not get into the internet in this sermon, as that is an entire topic unto itself.
In conclusion, I will say that forms of the media imitate life. There is good & bad all around you. Also, the Church has always condemned that which it did not understand or that which is a new concept. It is hard to imagine in our minds that a few hundred years ago, those who thought the world was round were seen as “of the devil”.
You must know within yourself (by the leading of the Spirit) what is for you & what is not. Of course, there are forms of media that I would not recommend to anyone (pornography for example), but like it or not it is a part of the world we live in, and at some point you will be exposed to this….. Be lead by the Spirit & know what is for you & what is not. If something is not for you, leave it alone. If you are young in the faith and you think a TV Show or a Book will turn you away from God, leave it alone and pray for strength. The Lord will show you what is right for you. It may not be the same thing that is right for me, but that does not give me the right to condemn anyone. In fact, judging or condemning people is in direct violation of Gods Word. Remember Paul’s words to the church Philippi:
Philippians 2:12
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
God Bless!!
Pastor Brian
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