In the Church today,
you have many people who claim to be Christians, and yet they don’t have
the first clue what being a Christian is all about. They claim to represent
Jesus on this earth and yet they have never truly met Him. You even have
“Ministers” who follow this same path…..
There are 2 types of people who do this. There are casual
Christians, and there are Sunday Christians…..
Lets look at a casual Christian first…….
The word casual is an adjective and a noun (and I thought
those English classes would never come in handy J
).. The dictionary meaning for both the
adjective & noun casual is:
Relaxed and unconcerned.
A person who does
something irregularly
When used as a noun, it describes those who go to Church on
Easter & Christmas or for some life event such as a wedding or funeral, but
otherwise wont step foot inside. Most times these people consider and will even
call themselves “cradle Christians”….. They
have the erroneous belief that because they were born, raised and baptized into whatever denomination
they identify with, that is all they need, and that they can ride the coattails
of their parents or others into heaven. There is no personal sacrifice or commitment
to the Faith.
When used as an adjective, it describes those who go to
Church every Sunday, but are relaxed and unconcerned about their Faith. They
may even pay Tithes, teach Sunday School, and some even claim the title
Reverend/Pastor/Minister/Bishop/Whatever, but they do so out of obligation or
to make a living, and not out of gratefulness for the sacrifice that The Lord
made for them.
I have some news for
them though, no matter how you use this word, it does not work that way and is not something
that you want describing your Faith. You
want your Faith to be a Verb…. Something that describes and denotes ACTION….. Being a Christian is something you DO not
something you are.
Matthew 7:16
shall know them by their fruits.
Many people throw this phrase around casually not knowing
what it really means. The process of producing fruit is a lot of work. Any
farmer or even a person who grows a garden in their home will tell you this. You
cannot just throw seeds into dirt and ignore it hoping that in a few months
good fruit will appear…. You must tend to the field watching for weeds that
would pop up and choke your fruit, you must provide water and fertilizer. Farmers
work from dawn to dusk to be sure that their crop produces good fruit that is desirable
to the people……. That is exactly what we must do as Christians. We sow our
seeds by telling people about the Gospel, but that is not enough. We must tend
those seeds carefully to make sure that they grow strong and produce.
Jesus talked about casual and Sunday Christians in Matthews
Matthew 7:21-23
21 Not every one that
saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that
doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me
in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name
have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Not a pretty picture……..
My friends today I tell you that you must live your life
totally and completely sold out to The Lord. You must be a Christian 24 hours a
day 7 days a week. The lost and dying world out there needs to see the light of
The Lord shining through you at all times. Even those who don’t know The Lord
should be able to see Him in you without asking. You must be what The Lord told us we are in
Matthews Gospel:
Matthew 5:14
14 Ye are the light of
the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.